Multiple Parcels: Only parcels that (1) are in the same taxing district and (2) have identical ownership may be included in one complaint. Otherwise, separate complaints must be used. However, for ease of administration, parcels that (1) are in the same taxing district, (2) have identical ownership and (3) form a single economic unit should be included in one complaint. The increase or decrease in valuation may be separately stated for each parcel or listed as an aggregate sum for the economic unit. If more than three parcels are included in one complaint, use additional sheets of paper.
General Instructions: Valuation complaints must relate to the total value of both land and buildings. The Board of Revision may increase or decrease the total value of any parcel included in a complaint. The board will notify all parties not less than 10 days prior to the hearing of the time and place the complaint will be heard. The complainant should submit any documents supporting the claimed valuation to the board prior to the hearing. The board may also require the complainant and/or owner to provide the board additional information with the complaint and may request additional information at the hearing. including purchase and lease agreements, closing statements, appraisal reports, construction costs, rent rolls and detailed income and expense statements for the property.
Ohio Revised Code section 5715.19(G) provides that "a complainant shall provide to the Board of Revision all information or evidence within the complainant's knowledge or possession that affects the real property" in question. Evidence or information that is not presented to the board cannot later be presented on any appeal, unless good cause is shown for the failure to present such evidence or information to the board.
Instructions for Line 9: In Column A enter the complainant's opinion of the full market value of the parcel before the application of the 35% percent listing percentage. In Column B enter the current full market value of the parcel. This will be equal to the total taxable value as it appears on the tax bill divided by 0.35. Enter the difference between Column B and Column A in Column C.
Instructions for Line 10 Allege with Particularity: Sec. 3 and Sec. 4 of S.B. 57 state that an eligible person filing a COVID-19-related valuation complaint shall allege with particularity in the complaint how the COVID-19 pandemic or state COVID-19 orders caused the reduction in true value of the property. Sec. 3 and Sec 4. of S.B. 57 also instruct Boards of Revision to dismiss valuation complaints that merely allege a general decline in economic or market conditions in the area or region in which the property that is the subject of the complaint is located.
Instructions for Line 11: If property was sold in the last three years, attach the purchase agreement, escrow statement, closing statement or other evidence available. If the buyer and seller were or are related or had any common business interests, attach an explanation. If any other items were included in the sale of the real estate, attach a description of those items. Show the value of those items and explain how the values were determined.
NOTICE REGARDING LINE 5: If the county auditor is in possession of an email address for you the auditor may choose to send any notices the auditor is required to send regarding this complaint by email and regular mail instead of by certified mail.
Submit by mail:
Franklin County Auditor
Board of Revision
373 S. High St., 20th floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Fax: (614) 525-6252