Application Preview:
{name}, being first duly sworn, says that they have personal knowledge of all the facts contained in this affidavit and that they are competent to testify to the matters stated herein. Affiant further states as follows:
1. I was, or my spouse was, one of the following: a peace officer, parole officer, probation officer, bailiff, prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney, correctional employee, county or multicounty corrections officer, community-based correctional facility employee, designated Ohio national guard member, protective services worker, youth services employee, firefighter, EMT, medical director or member of a cooperating physician advisory board of an emergency medical service organization, state board of pharmacy employee, investigator of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, emergency service telecommunication, forensic mental health provider, mental health evaluation provider, regional psychiatric hospital employee, judge, magistrate, or federal law enforcement officer
2. I hereby request, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 319.28(B)(1), that the Franklin County Auditor replace my name as property owner from the general tax list of real and public utility property for the property known as:
Tax District/Parcel#: {parcelId}.
3. I understand that my name, {name}, will be replaced by my initials, as authorized by law, to {nameInitials}, to indicate ownership of the above listed property.
Further, affiant sayeth naught.